Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New Era

Sadly I have been on a break from blogging. I was continuing to get sick and while I was still cooking, the energy to take photos and comment was too much. In addition to that, after I saw some pictures of myself at Easter this year I decided to go back to Weight Watchers.

As a college student (freshman year) I joined Weight Watchers. My sister was in high school and she had lost weight and looked fantastic. We're fairly competitive so I also finally decided to join. In the end I lost 30 pounds but still had a long way to go. Unfortunately I also started dating someone at the time and so the pressure to keep losing wasn't exactly there for me anymore.
Here I am at close to my thinnest weight.

After 2 years at school I went to Spain to live with a family and study. In Spain we did a ton of walking. However, we also did a ton of drinking and eating. so I gained about 10 pounds back. I wasn't all that concerned at the time.

Then came student teaching and the anxiety and stress, plus poor habits of no longer going to the gym and eating weird combinations/times of day caused me to gain more weight. Some nights I would cook dinner and some nights I would eat a loaf of crusty bread like I would in Spain if I could eat what the host mother was making. I tried some dating Websites and met my current BF (J) on Match. He doesn't care how much anyone weighs. I however finally realized after gaining a total of 52 pounds from my original -30 that I had to get back on track. So here I am about 5 years older back to the one thing that helped me in the past. I still want to blog my food experiments but it is going to WW friendly.

Last week was my first week on plan and I lost 4.2 pounds. I made some lovely WW recipes including Cassoulet, Chicken Tandoori, Chicken Stir Fry, and Potato Chowder. This time around I'm going to try and remember I'm not on a diet but changing my lifestyle. I need to make good choices and control portions. Right now my goal for this week is to get down to 5 lbs. lost. At 10 lbs. lost I plan on buying some nifty measuring spoons that I can use to serve perfect portions of meals without beaking out the measuring cups each time.

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